The Essential Guide to Finding the Right Child Support Lawyer

Child support is an essential component of a healthy divorce or separation, particularly for couples who have children. The state of Texas has detailed guidelines to ensure that children are properly cared for after their parents separate. The purpose of child support is to maintain a standard of living and reduce instances of reliance on public assistance.

A court will typically order the parent who does not have primary custody of the child to pay a specified amount of money to the other parent each month. This money is intended to cover expenses such as food, healthcare, housing and other necessities for the child. A judge will determine what is in the best interests of the child, based on the circumstances. The judge will consider the income of both parties, including their wages and salaries, net rental income, interest and dividends, royalties, business profits, self-employment earnings, severance pay, social security benefits, workers’ compensation and pension income, among other sources.

The court will use a percentage of the non-custodial parent’s net resources for calculating child support payments. The court will also look at how much the custodial parent is paying in other forms of child care, such as private school tuition and extracurricular activities. The judge will not take into account a parent’s marital status or the length of their relationship when determining child support payments, unless those factors are relevant to a unique situation.

It is the responsibility of all parents to provide for their children, even after a divorce. If you are having trouble with child support, it is important to speak with a qualified family law attorney. We are familiar with the laws governing child support in Texas and can help you navigate this complicated process.

While the state of Texas sets guidelines for child support, a judge can vary the amount. It is important to speak with a lawyer to understand how your case may differ from the guidelines and what steps might be taken to secure an appropriate amount of child support for your needs.

Child support is typically ordered until the child turns 18 years old or graduates from high school, whichever occurs first. However, it can be ordered indefinitely if the child has a disability that prevents them from graduating or becoming emancipated before their 18th birthday.

If a parent fails to pay child support, the court can issue a warrant for their arrest or add them to the state’s Child Support Evaders list. However, it is possible to avoid these legal consequences by requesting a modification or seeking temporary relief from the courts. Click here to contact our best family lawyer in Texas.

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